This past weekend, the kids and I visited my good friend, Dan Winans (who is the Director of the EcoGastronomy Duel Major at UNH) and he and his family cooked a wonderful dinner for all of us. Chloe’s favorite was this homemade Hot Fudge Pie, and we had to make it the next night!
It was very easy to make… The trick is to take it out of the oven before it’s completely cooked, that will give it the hot fudge texture.
If you’ve never made a double boiler before, it’s easy to do. I put small rocks on the bottom of the first pan, so the dish in the boiling water doesn’t touch the bottom. This way, the chocolate and butter will melt correctly and not get burned!
And that’s how we make Hot Fudge Pie! Nice job Chloe!